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Dry hair ritual

Dry or damaged hair needs hydration so you need to clean it gently and concentrate your efforts on the scalp and not the hair. Use our gentle shampoo with soap nuts and protect synergy in which you can add a teaspoon ofjojoba vegetable oil (for a 250ml bottle).

As a complementary treatment, use a dab ofnourishing and detangling conditioner on the lengths and leave on for 1 minute. Rinse thoroughly afterwards.

Once your hair is washed, dried and combed, apply a mixture of a dab ofaloe vera with 3 to 4 drops of our hair serum (made from castor and jojoba) on the ends to nourish the ends and bring a touch of shine.

1X a month, apply an oil (2 to 3 tbsp.) to the entire hair mass 1 to 2 hours before shampooing (or the entire night),jojoba oil on slightly damp hair. Work the lengths strand by strand and massage the scalp to activate the microcirculation.

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