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The HEALTHY benefits of morning YOGA

Posted by sophie trenteseaux on
Bénéfices SANTE du YOGA matinal

Here are some good reasons to start morning yoga. Whatever your level, the important thing is regular practice.

A morning yoga practice will make you feel more awake and alive.

Many people have reported that by waking up half an hour earlier than usual to do yoga, they actually felt more rested than when they slept for that extra half hour.

Some people also claim that the natural energy stimulated in their bodies is enough to cut out their usual cup of coffee in the morning.

Specific postures and practices for developing energy include sun salutations, backbends and twisting postures.

The sun salutation is a traditional yoga method for warming up every part of your body. It's a perfect first exercise of the day. Go to a park, your garden or in front of an open window, and let the light fall on your face as you greet the day ahead.

The practice of morning yoga has been proven to:

- Improves stamina, posture and flexibility.

- Stimulates metabolism and boosts immunity

- Tones the body and stimulates circulation

- Eases tension

- Maintains breath and breathing capacity

By practicing morning yoga, we "wake up" all the body's systems, improving circulation and giving the immune system an immediate boost. Gentle inversions like Viparita Karani (vertical leg pose on the wall) are particularly effective in boosting the immune system, so be sure to add them to a morning practice especially in winter.

For more info on yoga, please visit

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