Boost your immunity naturally!
Posted by sophie trenteseaux on
Strengthening the immune system depends first and foremost on eating well and getting a good night's sleep!
Let's take the time to cook as a family with healthy, local products (if you want to have them delivered, think of EFARMZ, a local company).
Then, our best reflex is essential oils, which can be used to support the immune system, but also to disinfect hands and clean up the environment - what more could you ask for?
🍀 Strengthen the immune system by applying Défenses Naturelles solution or Saro, Ravintsara or Laurel essential oils locally to the wrists, chest or back (spine).
🍀 Diffuse the Force & Vitality complex 2 or 3 times a day using a diffuser. You can also simply diffuse Eucalyptus radiata, Laurel, Lemon, Saro or Ravintsara essential oils.
🍀 Sanitize your hands by applying a few drops of Tea Tree, Eucalyptus radiata, Laurel or Ravintsara essential oil to the palms.
Let's keep our spirits up and smiling by using humor and love, it's better for immunity! ☀️
Find our selection of essential oils in the ATELIERS/AROMA section of our eshop.